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User Profile


Partnered heterosexual man

Become a sperm donor

Age: 62
Location: Killeen, Texas, United States
Last Online : 25 days ago
Standard User

Personal Information

I am/We are: Partnered heterosexual man
Gender: Male
Looking to: Become a sperm donor
Joined as: Couple
Marital Status: Married

My Profile Details

Ethnic Origin: Caucasian
Religion: Christian
Children: 1
No. of children you'd like with your match?: Don't know / Won't say
Height : 5’9” 69in 175.26cm
Body Type: Average
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Hazel
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Any genetic illness within your family?: No
Blood Group: AB RhD positive (AB+)
Will Undertake a Health Screening Test?: Yes
Education: Degree
Profession: Health Science
Income: Moderate
Exercise Undertaken?: 3-4 Days a week
Reasons for Donating: To help others
Method of Donation: Needs Discussion
Prepared to travel: Any distance
Contact with Child: No Contact

My Partners Profile Details

Ethnic Origin: Don't know / Won't say
Religion: Don't know / Won't say
Children: Don't know / Won't say
No. of children you'd like with your match?: Don't know / Won't say
Height : Don't know / Won't say
Body Type: Don't know / Won't say
Hair: Don't know / Won't say
Eyes: Don't know / Won't say
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Any genetic illness within your family?: No
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Will Undertake a Health Screening Test?: Don't know / Won't say
Education: Degree
Profession: Don't know / Won't say
Income: Moderate
Exercise Undertaken?: 3-4 Days a week
Reasons for Donating: N/A
Method of Donation: Don't know / Won't say
Prepared to travel: Don't know / Won't say
Contact with Child: Don't know / Won't say

What I am / we are looking for

Looking for: Partnered heterosexual woman:Partnered heterosexual man:Heterosexual couple:Lesbian couple:Gay couple:Bisexual Couple:Partnered transgender woman:Partnered transgender man:Other

My Hobbies & Interests

Interests: Animals, Camping, Culture, DVD Nights In, Eating Out, History, Holistic Therapies, Music, Nightlife, Outdoors, Reading, Sports, Travel, Walking

Other Information about me/us

Other Info: Hi, I am J.D. Thanks for coming to see my profile- welcome! I want everyone to know I will respond to every message I get.

I was raised on a 1200 head hog farm in Kansas, (Daddy always told me we come from tough Irish stock!) now we make our home in the country in Texas on 6 acres- that is close to being self sustainable. I have always been highly motivated - credit to my daddy.
I have never smoked cigarettes taken illegal drugs or had law violations. I marked on the form I do drink alcohol but it is very minimal- 2 drink limit in 24 hrs. I earned my BSN, University of Kansas in 1996 still maintaining my RN- specializing first in upper respiratory infection (including covid), then development of coping skills, redesigning the coping skills program at Fort Hood, TX. I have minimal physical health issues- allergies. No cancer or genetic conditions. I am a retired Army Combat Veteran, 22 years Active Duty soldier- airborne qualified, still serving in the reserve. I began as a private E1, and retired a MAJ 04. In my 20's I always maxed the Army's PT test, 300 or more, still maintaining lifelong physical fitness. Working out has decreased some since those days but I still jog and/or ride a bicycle at least 3 times per week, for about 30-45 min. We have 1 healthy child now and didn't try for others. My wife was told she will never have children due to endometriosis and she had one prior relationship of 2 years prior to me, never used birth control, didnt become pregnant. We met and within 4 months of trying she's pregnant. Yes I am an open person so please ask any questions you would like. It would be an honor if you choose me for this responsibility and I'm looking forward to getting to know anyone interested much better. I wish to make this experience as enjoyable as possible and will never be pushy with anyone. I am only interested in sperm donation but not so much on visitation, co parenting or contact until age 18- updates are very nice and I'm always reachable if desired. I do prefer the NI method as i feel it is the most effective method, but I'm open to discuss just about anything. I hope to be able to help a couple to realize their dreams (and us to realize ours, too) and best of luck in your search!
Also feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss either my research on upper respiratory infection including covid and/or my coping skills work.

My Ideal Match Details

Will Sign Legal Donor Contract: Yes
Religion: Don't know / Won't say
Ethnicity: Don't know / Won't say
Co-Parenting Role: Non Active
Contact with Child: No Contact
Take a Health Screening Test: Yes
Method of Donating: Needs Discussion
Marital Status: Don't know / Won't say
Body Type: Don't know / Won't say
Hair: Don't know / Won't say
Eyes: Don't know / Won't say
Smoke: No
Drink: Don't know / Won't say
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Height: Don't know / Won't say
Education: College
Profession: Don't know / Won't say
Income: Moderate
Exercise: Don't know / Won't say