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User Profile


Single heterosexual man

Become a sperm donor

Age: 38
Location: Houston, Texas, United States
Last Online : More than a month ago
Standard User

Personal Information

I am/We are: Single heterosexual man
Gender: Male
Looking to: Become a sperm donor
Joined as: Single
Marital Status: Widowed

My Profile Details

Ethnic Origin: Caucasian
Religion: Spiritual
Children: 3
No. of children you'd like with your match?: Don't know / Won't say
Height : 6’2” 74in 187.96cm
Body Type: Slim
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Blue
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Any genetic illness within your family?: No
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Will Undertake a Health Screening Test?: No
Education: Masters
Profession: Business Management & Administration
Income: Don't know / Won't say
Exercise Undertaken?: 3-4 Days a week
Reasons for Donating: To help others
Method of Donation: IUI or IVF
Prepared to travel: Any distance
Contact with Child: No Contact

My Partners Profile Details

Ethnic Origin: Don't know / Won't say
Religion: Don't know / Won't say
Children: Don't know / Won't say
No. of children you'd like with your match?: Don't know / Won't say
Height : Don't know / Won't say
Body Type: Don't know / Won't say
Hair: Don't know / Won't say
Eyes: Don't know / Won't say
Smoke: Don't know / Won't say
Drink: Don't know / Won't say
Any genetic illness within your family?: Don't know / Won't say
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Will Undertake a Health Screening Test?: Don't know / Won't say
Education: Don't know / Won't say
Profession: Don't know / Won't say
Income: Don't know / Won't say
Exercise Undertaken?: Don't know / Won't say
Reasons for Donating: Don't know / Won't say
Method of Donation: Don't know / Won't say
Prepared to travel: Don't know / Won't say
Contact with Child: Don't know / Won't say

What I am / we are looking for

Looking for: Single heterosexual woman:Single lesbian:Lesbian couple:Other

My Hobbies & Interests

Interests: Art, Culture, History, Music, Reading, Theatre

Other Information about me/us

Other Info: I'm 6'2" tall with brown hair and blue eyes, and I maintain a trim and very fit physique. I have no genetic or physical issues, and I've never experienced any mental health problems. I consider myself happier than average, highly motivated, confident, and a high achiever.

I have a tested genius IQ, but what I value more is my genuinely loving nature and balanced personality. However, like everyone, I have my imperfections. My significant weakness is that I'm not a "people person." Personality tests consistently show that I'm more of a thinker than an observer, which is typical for someone who isn't naturally sociable.

On a lighter note, I can play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, though only the first movement. It's one of my favorite pieces, and I highly recommend listening to the third movement on YouTube, which is exceptionally challenging to play. Here's the link: Moonlight Sonata, 3rd Movement.

I have a few vials of sperm stored from 20 years ago with a sperm bank, and they are available for donation to a woman undergoing fertility treatments like IVF. Recently, my sperm was successfully used in another IVF cycle, passing PGT-A testing and resulting in a healthy ongoing pregnancy. References from the current mother-to-be are available upon request.

While I'm open to discussing assistance with fertility costs, it's important to note that I won't have any involvement or responsibilities post-donation. A legally binding agreement must be signed, releasing me from any obligations. I'm seeking a recipient who embodies qualities of a good mother: intelligence, fitness, a healthy weight, and a loving nature.

I will send a photo to a woman who is seriously interested.

My Ideal Match Details

Will Sign Legal Donor Contract: Yes
Religion: Don't know / Won't say
Ethnicity: Don't know / Won't say
Co-Parenting Role: Don't know / Won't say
Contact with Child: Don't know / Won't say
Take a Health Screening Test: Don't know / Won't say
Method of Donating: IUI or IVF
Marital Status: Don't know / Won't say
Body Type: Average
Hair: Don't know / Won't say
Eyes: Don't know / Won't say
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Height: Don't know / Won't say
Education: Degree
Profession: Don't know / Won't say
Income: Don't know / Won't say
Exercise: 3-4 times a week