Other Info:
*** please note: At present I am not looking to donate, however this may change in the future. If you're not on a tight timeline and are interested, leave a message. I am not currently checking this site, but should I return, I will reply. ***
Education: Psychological Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Applied Psychology, Physical Therapy
Profession: Counselling, Coaching, Psychological Research, Writing.
IQ >95th percentile, former international model, former athlete.
Can provide genetic analysis, health report.
In this endeavour, I may only get to make one decision, so I intend to make it a good one. It will not be made lightly. I intend to give whichever child I contribute to bringing into this world the best chance I can, and part of that will be gathering detailed information about you, your life, and your family. I am obviously prepared to reciprocate.
To this end, here is a few of the things I am looking to find: You are educated or determined to provide a good education your child/ren. You are physically, emotionally and mentally healthy and have good, supportive relationships with friends and or family. You are financially secure and able to provide a good life for your child/ren. You are willing to ensure that your child is informed about their genetic origins.
At this point, I not looking to co-parent, however, I am in support of, should the child wish, having some level of contact. I am intimately aware of how important this is to the identity and wellbeing of many donor children. I will not deny them of this.
If you have questions, please feel free to send me a message. I will be happy to engage openly and honestly.