Other Info:
Looking to co-parent one child with a man who wants to be an active father and is hands-on in our child's life.
Ideally, you'd not have any existing children and wouldn't be looking to father others. It is important to me that my child knows their father and can spend time with him. I am not looking for a sperm donor or to do IVF. Whilst not against these, they are not for me.
I currently live in Wellington, NZ and am open to raising a child here or elsewhere; ok to move. I'm originally from the North of England, lived in London 15 years and have a flat by the sea in Southbourne, Bournemouth and could easily move back there. I also enjoy the lifestyle of Brisbane and the Gold Coast. As long as I'm living in a relaxed place near water and nature with a vibrant city nearby, I'm good :)
Ideally, I would live just streets away from my co-parent who I would like to be good friends with so that our child can move easily between houses. I value stability, security and financial safety in relating and bringing up children but don't necessarily believe that needs to, or will happen for me, through marriage or a long-term romantic relationship.
Personally, I'm self employed in coaching, massage, photography and women's health. I enjoy being active - tennis, swimming, cycling amongst other things - and also enjoy a contemplative way of life and love meditation, float tanks, bodywork and reflecting on things. I'm a non-smoker, light drinker, eat healthily enough and have never done drugs.
Please let me know what questions you have, thank you, Natalie