Other Info:
Educated, travelled Outdoorsy Nerd in search for his best friend(s) to make an amazing and loving family/co-parenting team! CIS man, most likely not looking for a romantic partner. Would also be ok if y'all don't want me to be involved that much or at all as long as y'all are nice progressive people (vaccinated, LGTBQ+, anti-apartheid, etc.).
I am a PhD Candidate and Teaching Assistant at UBC, I think I am smart and fit. 5'8", 40 years young, still with my hair, no known diseases or medication for anything, healthy (including mental health), smart, active, self made, handsome and humble ;P
Genetically mostly Albanian/Slavic with Native Mexican/Spanish plus 7% Irish and an interesting 0.5% Subsaharian African ;)
I have a fraternal twin brother who is a bit taller and whiter.
I've never been married or have any children! No student debt and good work experience, independent (maybe too much for my own good).
If y'all would like me to be involved, I know I will be a great parent and father figure that will take our child on many adventures. Dated someone for a long time that had a newborn baby and she says I did a great job -we are not together anymore romantically-. I would like to have my own baby with some responsible and loving ☺️
Can take any health test as requested. According to Canadian Law, as a donor I would only do AI and would not charge anything for it.🤓 As a co-parent we would need to talk a lot more 😊✨
As another reference, I am godparent to three amazing kids. People keep asking me to be godfather because I guess I am good at it ;P
I have a draft contract ready to be a known donor for an amazing parent(s). :)
“Happiness is Only Real When Shared.”—CM (yeah I know it's and old movie LOL)
Hit me up ;)
Ps. Answers to weird questions:
No I don't ask for any money for this.
No I am not gay (but total LGBTQ+ ally).
No I don't do drugs.
No I don't have tattoos
No I am not Vegan, but I am mostly vegetarian and yes I worry about animal welfare and climate change
No I don't know why I haven't found a woman to have kids with... I guess I suc at online dating lol