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User Profile


Single heterosexual woman

Find a sperm donor

Age: 39
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Last Online : More than a month ago
Standard User

Personal Information

I am/We are: Single heterosexual woman
Gender: Female
Looking to: Find a sperm donor
Joined as: Single
Marital Status: Single

My Profile Details

Ethnic Origin: Caucasian
Religion: Non Religious
Children: Don't know / Won't say
No. of children you'd like with your match?: Don't know / Won't say
Height : 5’8” 68in 172.72cm
Body Type: Large
Hair: Red
Eyes: Other
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Any genetic illness within your family?: No
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Will Undertake a Health Screening Test?: Don't know / Won't say
Education: Don't know / Won't say
Profession: Other
Income: Don't know / Won't say
Exercise Undertaken?: 3-4 Days a week
Reasons for Donating: Don't know / Won't say
Method of Donation: Needs Discussion
Prepared to travel: Don't know / Won't say
Contact with Child: No Contact

My Partners Profile Details

Ethnic Origin: Caucasian
Religion: Don't know / Won't say
Children: Don't know / Won't say
No. of children you'd like with your match?: Don't know / Won't say
Height : 5’11” 71in 180.34cm
Body Type: Defined
Hair: Don't know / Won't say
Eyes: Don't know / Won't say
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Any genetic illness within your family?: No
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Will Undertake a Health Screening Test?: Don't know / Won't say
Education: Don't know / Won't say
Profession: Don't know / Won't say
Income: Moderate
Exercise Undertaken?: Don't know / Won't say
Reasons for Donating: To help others
Method of Donation: Don't know / Won't say
Prepared to travel: Any distance
Contact with Child: Don't know / Won't say

What I am / we are looking for

Looking for: Single heterosexual man

My Hobbies & Interests

Interests: Animals, Cinema, DVD Nights In, Eating Out, Music, Nightlife, Retail

Other Information about me/us

Other Info: im almost 34 yrs old and i would to start a family before its too late but i havent found mr.right so here i am....my name is amanda

i also aant the donors to know that they will have to travel to victoria bc canada on their owe money as i am low income right now and cant afford to pay for someones plane ticket

please understand that ur getting me pregnant and nothing more ....i can pay for travel costs cause ill be paying for the next 18 yrs for the baby/babies as i could have twins

My Ideal Match Details

Will Sign Legal Donor Contract: Yes
Religion: Non Religious
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Co-Parenting Role: Don't know / Won't say
Contact with Child: Like to Discuss
Take a Health Screening Test: Don't know / Won't say
Method of Donating: Needs Discussion
Marital Status: Don't know / Won't say
Body Type: Don't know / Won't say
Hair: Don't know / Won't say
Eyes: Don't know / Won't say
Smoke: Don't know / Won't say
Drink: Don't know / Won't say
Blood Group: Don't know / Won't say
Height: Don't know / Won't say
Education: Don't know / Won't say
Profession: Don't know / Won't say
Income: Don't know / Won't say
Exercise: Don't know / Won't say