What are legal facts about using a sperm donor in the United Kingdom?
In the UK assisted reproduction is governed by The Human Fertilisation and Embryology (HFEA). Access to artificial insemination and other assisted reproduction techniques are granted to all individuals, regardless of their marital status and sexual orientation although variations in this law do occur in terms of access to IVF for lesbians.
For a list of approved fertility clinics visit the Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority (HFEA)
Since April 2005 sperm donations cannot be anonymous. Sperm donors are to provide identifying information in order to respect the right of children to find out about their genetic origins. In the UK, sperm donors are entitled to partial, non-identifying information about their donor-conceived offspring like sex and year of birth.
For more detailed information on co-parenting and sperm donation laws please visit our legalities section.

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Legal Facts
Sperm Donation
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