Your Sperm Donation Success Stories
Has anyone got pregnant using
The answer is yes! Congratulations to all of our members who have recently given birth as a result of finding a match on We thank you for all of the kind emails we have received over the past few years sharing your success stories with us. We are always really pleased to hear from our members. Sharing your personal journey can be so helpful to other members so if you would like us to publish your story here please contact us.
"....a little miracle awaits at the end of the rainbow"
" is an invaluable tool. It is one of the few resources I used at the beginning of my journey and I highly recommend it. My advice is to choose your matches wisely and ask 1001 questions. With a bit of patience a little miracle awaits at the end of the rainbow"
Fabian Blue U.S.A. (Fabian10728)

Take me to:
Sperm Donors who have brought happiness
I've helped someone I met through this site in 2017 to have a baby which is pretty awesome
I've helped someone I met through this site in 2017 to have a baby which is pretty awesome. I'm not 100% sure if I will help anyone else at the moment, though if you really think I might be right for you then you can message me. Will118
I donated for the first time in November 2018
I donated for the first time in November 2018 and the 36 year old English lady became pregnant on the FIRST attempt! James 451
"....I would recommend CoParent Match to other prospective donors
I would recommend CoParent Match to other prospective donors - I was fortunate enough to meet a couple via your site. Kind regards, Adam. Adam272
4 Successful Donations
I have donated now to four women all are now pregnant or have had a baby. 'LENlen'.
Over the past 16months, I’ve helped to produce 5 gorgeous children, and with my latest baby born in December 09 ..... this has made everything worth while.. UPDATE open to offers for 2010 however, leaving the site at the end of the year .... Stefano
Success in the USA
I have a developing arrangement to become a donor to a lady in the US as the result of this site. This is my sixth week here. I would add that if you are new to this site, I find it well managed and the participants genuine. Kirk.
Becoming a daddy...
Just wanted to send a quick email to say thanks...I am so pleased I am about to become a dad for the first time. Being a gay man I always wondered how it would happen. I’ve become great friends with Sarah( my match) and we are expecting our baby girl in Feb 2010. Can’t wait! Simon.
we have already found a donor and have completed our family with three healthy and beautiful children.
We would like to thank everyone who has kindly offered to help us. I am amazed to see how many genuine people are willing to help others create a family, you guys are the best! I am currently trying to remove my profile since we have already found a donor and have completed our family with three healthy and beautiful children. Much love to everyone else looking for a match.
California Donor!
I have made a few matches from your website, and at least one of the women for whom I have donated is currently pregnant. Another woman had a child about 6 months ago. I was also a donor at the California Cryobank some years ago, and I have met 3 of the children who resulted from my donations there.
NHS registered Donor
I have donated for several of your female members and have helped to conceive 3 children – one of these happened first go, the others within 6-8 months. I am also registered as an NHS donor. Andrew.
"I'm so thankful that this site exists to facilitate and match those in need"
"I recently learned that I could help others and thought it was the most amazing endeavour to start. I'm so thankful that this site exists to facilitate and match those in need and those looking to help others. I am so happy for EVERYONE involved, especially those who donors like me can give a chance." Christopher97
Lesbians who have found happiness through sperm donation
"2019 a baby was born"
"In 2018 donated to a lesbian couple and in 2019 a baby was born.Stephen84
"Our little girl is now 2 years old and we are planning to have another one this year with the same donor "
Hi would just like to say that we have been successfull in finding the perfect donor.. and after the first attempt we were successfull...We would both like to say thankyou to our donor with out you our dream would still be a dream but now its reality..Thankyou for making our dream come true UPDATE... Well our baby girl was due 12 nov but decided 2 come 3 weeks early... Aleisha was born 24/10/09 she is now 10 weeks old and we are loving every minute of being mums 2 are beautiful little girl caz and kelly xx UPDATE: Our little girl is now 2years old and we are planning to have another one this year with the same donor :) Profile ID 2655
"I was successful in my first attempt to get pregnant...."
I was successful in my first attempt to get pregnant so I do not need ur website anymore. Charlene G,
"I have now become pregnant - thanks for an amazing site"!
Hi I would like to cancel my subscription with you as I have now become pregnant. Thank you so much for all your support and such an amazing site thank you Norah. 'Savannahnorah',
"we have found a donor"
"Hi there, we have found a donor and would like to cancel our account. Jessi395
"Really happy to announce that I am pregnant"
UPDATE - really happy to announce that I am pregnant. Thanks to a wonderfully kind and considerate donor. Very happy. I am a single mum and have a 7 year old son. 'Frenchick' -
We found a very kind and helpful donor within a week of searching!
Thanks for looking at our profile but we are no longer looking for a donor. We found a very kind and helpful donor within a week of searching. So hopefully we will concieve very soon.. Great site. Good luck to everyone! 'tandm' .
We have found a great donor!
"We have found a great donor", 'tandm'.
".....Very happy I found this site"
"The day I signed up I was contacted by a man, we chatted back and forth for a few days and then decided to meet up. We have the same goals and really connected. We have made the decision to have a baby together. Very happy I found this site . Thank you."...Louise330
"Take Heart, this site works"
Take heart, this site works. I met a great match and we are expecting our first child this summer. Good luck to everyone in their search. ‘NYCEVillage’.
New first-cycle pregnancy achieved
Jan.2011: New first-cycle pregnancy achieved. I'm a healthy, intelligant amn who has twice successfully donated sperm. 'Quality Donor'
"I am now six and a half months pregnant"
Congratulations to UK member 'arreton' who has found pregnancy through Co- . 'arreton'.
I have conceived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have conceived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ‘jennywren2114’
".....I've found my donor, thank you! Lindsay137121!"
Congratulations to Caz and Kelly on the birth of Aleisha!
Hi would just like to say that we have been successful in finding the perfect donor.. .and after the first attempt we were successful...We would both like to say thank you to our donor with out you our dream would still be a dream but now its reality..Thank you for making our dream come true. UPDATE... Well our baby girl was due 12 Nov but decided 2 come 3 weeks early... Aleisha was born 24/10/09 she is now 10 weeks old and we are loving every minute of being mums 2 are beautiful little girl Caz and Kelly xx
I am so delighted to have met a truly decent, and generous donor!
I am no longer looking for a donor as I met a wonderful gentleman for the first time July 2010 and have just found out I am indeed pregnant! Thank you for reading my profile! I wish those who are looking to become a mother through this site best wishes, keep positive. I am so fortunate to be successful on the first try and so delighted to have met a truly decent, and generous donor! ‘babytime’.
I have just found out I am pregnant!
I wish to cancel my subscription to thank you for the help and guidance but I have just found out I am pregnant. Sarii.
I've helped to produce five gorgeous children
We found a helpful donor within a week of searching!
Thanks for looking at our profile but we are no longer looking for a donor. We found a very kind and helpful donor within a week of searching. So hopefully we will concieve very soon.. Great site. Good luck to everyone! 'tandm' .
"I have been successful in concieving with a donor, and have a beautiful son"
I have been successful in concieving with a donor, and have a beautiful son, and I'm not looking to make him siblings just quite yet. Lilly11867
I have met a co-parenting partner here in Australia
I have met a "co-parenting" partner through, here in Australia. We are both looking to be active co-parents, working together as a team (and as friends) - sharing the responsibility and joys together. We are currently planning to conceive, via IVF (ICSI). We are both busy professional people, and would never have met without a website such as this. 'Angela'.
We have found a donor!
Thanks for looking, but we have found a donor =] =] good luck x UK Members 'fralyx02'
Thanks to your site our dreams have come true
Haven't been on Co-ParentMatch for a while as we successfully found the perfect donor 2years back and now have a 17month old daughter. Thanks to your site our dreams have come true. Caznkel,
I have successfully found a co-parent
I have used the co- parentmatch website, and have successfully found a co-parent. I am a lesbian in a relationship and we are about to embark on starting the process. 'cat'
"4 years ago today I met the father of my child on co-parentmatch"
4 years ago today I met the father of my child on co-parentmatch. Thank you, I now have a beautiful 2 year old daughter asleep next to me. Helen121
".....I am now 12 weeks pregnant, and I'd like to say thanks to my donor"
"I am now 12 weeks pregnant, and I'd like to say thanks to my donor, and everyone who has messaged me and been willing to donate."...Jennifer173
"....Had a baby via your website 5 weeks ago!
Had a baby via your website 5 weeks ago! Many thanks....Alida1
".....I have found a donor and am very happy :);
"Just wanted to let you know that I have found a donor and am very happy"... Elaine2722, Canada.
"....really chuffed!! A pregnancy on the second cycle :)
really chuffed!! A pregnancy on the second cycle :), eldrazi136821.
"I've used this site for over a year and now have a lovely baby boy"
"ive used this site for over a year and i now have a lovely baby boy thank u to my donor xx Anglesarah
"Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way"
"Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way, we've now found our donor and are incredibly happy with him." 133839
"We have found a donor"
"Update: We have found a donor. We are currently no longer looking for donors. Many thanks." , 135499
"..... I am on my 3rd child from meeting our 2nd donor on co-parentmatch x"
" i am on my 3rd child from meeting.our 2nd.donor.on co parentmatch. We are willing to share our journey x"... Riccilee.
I wanted to drop a quick line to say thank you for the great website. Within a few weeks of joining we found our perfect donor. A single meeting and donation later, we were pregnant. Our beautiful baby girl was born a week ago today and we couldn't be happier, prouder parents. helped us achieve our dream, one which when attempted using frozen sperm and bank and doctors had failed miserably. Amy, Melissa and Riley
Thanks to Co-ParentMatch for considerably changing my life
I have been fortunate enough to conceive with 5 recipients of my donations with a 6th pending, I no longer feel it is fair to advertise myself as a donor when I have reached my quota agreed with my existing ladies. I would like to thank for considerably changing my life for the better and allowing me to be the father that I never thought was possible. ‘jernormike’
I fell pregnant from a brilliant donor from this site 2 years ago and now we want to have another baby to add another member to our cosy little family. ‘proudmummy’.
Congratulations to Claire & Partner on your pregnancy
“We are happy to announce that we are pregnant!” 'Claire'.
I found a match and will be undergoing IVF in July!
Thank you SO MUCH for providing such a wonderful site!! I have found a co-parenting match on and will be undergoing IVF with my partner this July!! DenverKaren.
Thanks to ‘LondonDonor’ for helping so many couples.
It's been a great journey helping to make some dreams come true. After a few years of being a donor, I have decided to stop helping any new couples after April. Thanks for all your messages. ‘LondonDonor’.
".....I have found a suitable donor"
"Hi, I'm just letting you know that I have found a suitable donor. Thank-you for your service, it is really appreciated!!! Regards, Vanessa....Vanessa34".
".....We have successfully found a donor through your site and are now expecting our baby :-)"
"Please can you de-activate my profile? We have successfully found a donor through your site and are now expecting our baby :-). Many thanks......Kerry87".
".....within a few short weeks of joining co-parentmatch we have found the most perfect couple who are happy and very willing in helping us realise our dream of becoming parents"
"Thankyou so much for your wonderful site. My partner and I have desperately dreamed for a family for such a very long time and have been searching to find someone to help us achieve this. We have found over time that face to face with people that we have met (not on your site) once they find out that we are a lesbian couple they seem to switch off and arent interested even though we have been together for 12 years, married for 6, very stable, very settled, financially comfortable, loving, devoted, commited, open, honest, kind, reliable and genuine people!!!! Thanks to you, within a few short weeks of joining co-parentmatch we have found the most perfect couple who are happy and very willing in helping us realise our dream of becoming parents to a little miracle, and we couldnt be more overjoyed!!!! Besides meeting this couple we have also been in contact with other wonderfully genuine, kind, selfless gentlemen!!! I know ive rambled on a little but I just wanted to say thankyou as without co-parentmatch, our dream would never have had a chance to be realised. PLEASE never stop running thiss wonderful site. We will definately be an active advocate for co-parentmatch. I cant wait to keep you updated with our upcoming wonderful journey!!! thankyou so very very much xxxxxx"...Michelle207
"We have found our match"
....No longer looking for a donor as we have found our match. Kerry76
"I have found a donor"
....Please cancel my subscription I have found a donor. Tamara16
".....Many Thanks we have found a donor"
"can you please delete my account and stop my payments as we have found a donor, many thanks. I have referred your website onto other people and they have joined up as well.. Roanne1.
".....Success we are expecting our 2nd baby"
" Hi would just like to say that we have been successfull in finding the perfect donor.. and after the first attempt we were successfull...We would both like to say thankyou to our donor with out you our dream would still be a dream but now its reality..Thankyou for making our dream come true UPDATE... Well our baby girl was due 12 nov but decided 2 come 3 weeks early... Aleisha was born 24/10/09 she is now 10 weeks old and we are loving every minute of being mums 2 are beautiful little girl caz and kelly xx UPDATE: Our little girl is now 2 years old and we are planning to have another one this year with the same donor :) UPDATE 2012: Success we are expecting our 2nd baby :) UPDATE; Our two beautiful daughters are now nearly 5 & 8 carrieann2655".
".....i have a donor now"
"I'd like to cancel my subscription this month please as i have a donor now."... nicola110.
".....I have found a wonderful match by using this site!"
".....We've been so humbled by this and are beyond glad we decided to sign up! "
"Just wanted to send out a HUGE thank you to your website. We met a donor from your site a year ago today and our little girl was born exactly 9 months after and turns 3 months today. We owe him and your site everything. We've been so humbled by this and are beyond glad we decided to sign up! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ❤️ Megan.".
"We have a 7 week old beautiful son after finding a donor on"!
"My partner and I (same sex) have a 7 week old beautiful son after finding a donor on co- . We'd be happy to share our story ". 'Jane & Partner'.
"I have found a donor from your site and now expecting baby. Yay!"
....Hi, I have found a donor from your site and now expecting baby. Yay! So need to cancel my membership. Thank you. Kiara2
".....I found my partner , thanks for your help! Gurpreet1 "
"..... I have now found a co-parent. "
"I no longer want to pay for subscription because i have now found a co- parent."...Jackie24.
"I have found a donor"
".....In 2016 i was blessed with a beautiful baby girl"
"In 2014 i signed up for a sperm donor. At the time i was single and living in Perth Australia. In 2016 i was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. "...Donna1112
"Hi, I have found a donor, can you please delete my membership, Thanks Kate95.
"We have found a donor"!
" partner is now successfully pregnant!!
If like to unsubscribe to coparentmatch please as my partner is now successfully pregnant!!....jemma33
".....I have already found a sperm donor"
"Hello Co- ParentMatch. I have already found a sperm donor and we are in the process of consulting a doctor."...Brenda28
"found my match using your website"
....found my match using your website. Thank you Co-ParentMatch!, Elena
"I have found a donor "
I would really appreciate if you would cancel my subscription as I have found a sperm donor. Many Thanks Tania19
".....We have indeed been successful in finding a match"
"We have indeed been successful in finding a match and will be trying for the first time at the end of the month!Twinflames81"...Twinflames81
".....We are in agreement with one of the wonderful gentlemen from this site"
"We are in agreement with one of the wonderful gentlemen from this site, and hopefully we will be pregnant within the next few months if all goes well. Thank you to everyone who offered to be a donor!"...Claudette1
".....would definitely use this site again and would suggest it to a friend"
"A friend suggested this site to me and I was apprehensive to start with after all I was looking to connect with a stranger I've never met before,however after a long and careful search I found my donor he was as nervous as I was when we first met but we soon got on and felt comfortable with each took a year of trying and when I had just about giving up ever having my own child I got preg,I now have a happy healthy one year old boy. And would definitely use this site again and would suggest it to a friend. Just remember these things take time it can happen. Thank you co-parentmatch Sara."...Sarah629
"....6 months gone with twins we are having a boy and girl and are over the moon, best feeling ever!!!"!
"I've been on Co-parentMatch for a while and love the site, its great for single women and also lesbian's, if it wasn't for the site i wouldn't of thought it was possible to have a baby being gay. Lex is now pregnant and is nearly 6 months gone with twins we are having a boy and girl and are over the moon, best feeling ever!!! JemLex 1919.
" I have found a wonderful match by using this site! We are very munch in to the process of having a child together! I wish everyone the best and hope your dreams of having a child are realized. Thank you for contacting me. We wish you much happiness, Carol & AJ :).....Carol148".
".....I have been so lucky to find a donor"
"First of all, thank you so much for creating this webpage- how wonderful that people can come together and help each other out in this way. I have been so lucky to find a donor, and for that I am very grateful."...Lindi9
"We are a lesbian couple and found our donor via the Co-ParentMatch site"
"We are a lesbian couple and found our donor via the site. We are now proud parents of a perfect 3 month old little girl. We are still in touch with our donor and plan to have another child with him in the future. We can't speak highly enough of this site and would highly recommend it".Liz & Partner.
"I have been successful in my search"!
"Please cancel my subscription to Co-ParentMatch, I have been successful in my search". 'Sarah 7830'.
....HAVE MET MY PERFECT MATCH. :O), Finley3512
"We have found a donor who we are happy with"
"An Update: We have found a donor who we are happy with, so for all you's out there who feel like there is no hope in finding a genuine guy, there is.:-) Georgia16
It doesn't take too long to find a match...
I am only in the fledgling stages of my search, but have found 2 possibilities already! Cynthia.
Congratulations Terri on the birth of baby Oliver.
I was a bit nervous about joining a site like this when I started out last year but I have just given birth to my beautiful baby boy Oliver and wanted to thank you as without this site I don’t think it would have ever happened for me. Terri.
".....I have found a donor"
"Hi There, I a wanting to cancel my account because I have found a donor....Alicia8763".
".....I'm now 7 weeks pregnant"
"I would like to cancel my co-parentmatch account as I've found my co-parent and I'm now 7 weeks pregnant."...Bec279
".....My partner and I used co-parentmatch to find our sperm donor last Spring. We now have a beautiful 6 month old baby boy!"
"My partner and I used co-parentmatch to find our sperm donor last Spring. We now have a beautiful 6 month old baby boy! We are a lesbian couple, civil partners. Our donor still has contact with us but he does not play a parental role. We drew up a contract between all parties befor commencing. We were very lucky to get pregnant first time using a home kit. We would be happy to share our story"... Jane.
Thanks to my donor - I am pregnant!
I am no longer actively looking for a donor as I have conceived using a donor that I met through this site. Many Thanks to Andrew for helping me. ‘Naughtyness’.
I now have a baby!
Please delete my profile I now have a baby!! thanks Co-ParentMatch. Trei11271
".....We have found a lovely donor and have started our journey"
"We have found a perfect donor through your site and are in the exciting process, of arranging everything. We have deleted our profile and memebership as we no longer require it. Many thanks again to all donors, for your compassion to help others."... lisa294.
".....We are happy to say we have found a donor "
"We are happy to say we have found a donor and are not currently looking at this time. "... Amanda160.
"*** 13/01/2013 - I HAVE NOW FOUND A DONOR - THANK YOU *** " Marsh42.
"I want to delete my account as we have found someone to fufill our dreams" Cassie135
".....My partner and I used in December 2008 and we will be celebrating our daughter's third birthday in September this year. We are using you again to try and complete our family"
"My partner and I used in December 2008 and we will be celebrating our daughter's third birthday in September this year. The donor we found was great and we're using you again to try and complete our family. We are a professional lesbian couple and would be glad to share our story"... Jane1232.
"....I have found a co-parent on your site
Thank you. I have found a co-parent on your site and we are going to begin attempts in the near future. Sally50, South Africa.
".....We have now found someone to Co-Parent with :) "
"We have been together for five years now and we feel we are ready to start planning to have a child together. .. Nicky8466.
Home Insemination Success
"Currently working with a wonderful donor"
"We are currently working with a wonderful donor, first AI done so everything crossed :)..132155
".....We found a donor and were able to conceive one child via home insemination on the first month of trying!"
"We found a donor and were able to conceive one child via home insemination on the first month of trying! Our donor is open to helping us for the next (and last) child but we will change this if we need help again. Thank you for considering being a donor! "...Frederique1
"On 12 March 2017, little Nathan was born! We had a few attempts at home insemination before finally getting that positive test result!"
I was about to delete my account online when I noticed the note about you liking to hear about success stories. My partner and I met with a lesbian couple back in 2015. On 12 March 2017, little Nathan was born! We had a few attempts at home insemination that didn’t work before finally getting that positive test result! My partner and I now have our own sons born via surrogacy in America. The girls have since moved back to Taiwan but, despite the miles between us, we will do our best to raise all three boys as brothers. We regularly share updates and pictures on our Facebook group and they plan to visit us later this year which will be the first time all three boys will meet each other - exciting! Thanks to Co-ParentMatch for bringing us together! Regards Gavin
I am so excited. I did both artificial insemination( three months multiple times) and natural (last month, one try). I dont know which one worked, but i am so happy. Good luck to all of us.Blessings and Blessed.
".....we got our donner from here 7 years later we have two amazing little girls 7 and 4 and trying for number 3 "
"Just want to say thank you its a bit late but we found ur site in 2008 we got our donner from here 7 years later we have two amazing little girls 7 and 4and trying for number 3 if it wasn't for ur site we would have our amazing little family so thank you Cat & bex xx"...cat1494
".....we were successful with our first attempt of artificial insemination and are expecting our baby in November"
"We are a lesbian couple who used your service earlier this year, we were successful with our first attempt of artificial insemination and are expecting our baby in November. "... Amy & Hannah.
".....After searching for a donor, we found a great honest guy on Co-ParentMatch for AI. After 2 attempts I am now 3 months pregnant."
"After searching for a donor, we found a great honest guy on Co-ParentMatch for AI. After 2 attempts, we have been successful and I am now 3 months pregnant. After our civil partnership almost 3 years ago we had one more thing we both equally wanted and that was to give a child a loving life. This dream has come true and we cannot thank you enough for hosting this match. I never believed it would happen as it always seems as a lesbian couple doing AI the odds are totally stacked against you, but it can happen and we are still on such a high. Take heart everyone, dreams can come true. "...Kerry8922
Heterosexuals who have found sperm donors
" husband and I used a sperm donor after IVF was unsuccessful and we now have a 2 year old"
"I am 31 and me and my husband have tried ivf in the past but was unsucessfull . We used a sperm donor from and did this ourselves at home which worked and we have a 2yr old now . We would love another baby through ivf/icsi or sperm donor. Leanne4726.
"....have successfully found a partner and are expecting a baby next year
THello can you please delete my account as I am no longer looking for a donor and have successfully found a partner and are expecting a baby next year. Thank you....Charmaine14
"We have found a donor and do not need access to the full benefits at this time but want to keep our account active. Rose.," Rose88
".....We are now at 22 weeks and found out we having a boy"
"We are now at 22 weeks and found out we having a boy. I am so excited and feel blessed. The site provided me an opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work. "...Rodrigo3
".....I now have two donor-conceived children"
"Please delete my profile! I now have two donor-conceived children and no longer need the services of your website. Thank you so much!"... jlep19811.
".....I have found a fabulous and funny man"
"Thanks to this website I have found a fabulous and funny man . Happy days x"... Ozone1.
".....I found this website and after a few false starts I found the loveliest possible donor"
".....I was successful in finding a donor within a few weeks of signing up!"
"Hi, thanks for the website. I was successful in finding a donor within a few weeks of signing up. After 8 cycles I am now 15 weeks pregnant! Could you please remove my profile. Thankyou."... Hayley57.
Congratulations to Dawn & Sarah on your pregnancy!
Just wanted to thank you for this wonderful site as my partner has just found out she is pregnant after only our first trial..... Dawn & Sarah.
"I now have my second child....."
"Would you please remove my profile from Co-Parent Match as I now have my second child. Many thanks for your help. Regards, Joanna (Joanna33).
"It worked and I have now a one month beautiful baby!....."
"Hi, I was a little bit skeptical about this website, but I gave a try and last year after I think one month I found the perfect match for co-parenting. It worked and I have now a one month beautiful baby! Thank you so much! This is really a great website! Sophia25
".....I found a donor within 2 weeks...."
"Hey, I am looking to cancel my subscription. I found a donor within 2 weeks. We are still trying, so hopefully I can get a BFP soon! Leah-Jane1, Australia.
".....I have found a donor to help me in the endeavor of becoming a parent...."
"I have found a donor to help me in my endeavour of becoming a parent. Thank you for your time, with much appreciation, Ilsa."... Ilsa1, Australia.
".....I have found a donor and we have been successful and I am now pregnant"
"I would like to cancel my account and subscription due to the fact that I have found a donor and we have been successful and I am now pregnant. Thank you so much for helping me.. Louisa130980.
".....In October of this year I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy after meeting a sperm donor on the site"
"I would just like to thank co-parent match. In October of this year I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy after meeting a sperm donor on the site.... Natalie131381".
"many thanks for your great site, helping me to realise my dream....."
"I have found a suitable donor, and therefore wish to cancel my membership. Many thanks for your great site, helping me to realise my dream, Yvonne19.
".....I found a lovely man willing to help me and my fiancé "
"Thank you for closing my account. Yes I found a lovely man willing to help me and my fiancé. & bex xx"...
"....I have found my donor
Please Delete my account as I have found my donor Thanks... Natalie126
"My question really was how best to pass on my very heartfelt thanks to this website. At 41 years old and single I didn't know where to turn when I just knew I had to throw everything I had at having a baby. I found this website and after a few false starts I found the loveliest possible donor, a partnered gay man, in my own hometown. Because of the relaxed yet very honest nature of this site we were able to start a conversation via email, met in person and clicked straight away and I'm SO happy to relay that we are 20 weeks pregnant with a little boy! People ask how we met and we proudly tell them. My family are over the moon Thankyou SO much!! This website made the journey feel very natural, though obviously not without its challenges, but without it my little bump would not be here :)))"...Danika1
".....I found the perfect donor within a week. I'm now 5 weeks pregnant with my first child"
"Hi, I just wanted to thank you for creating this site, I joined as a standard user November last year, upgraded my account in January and found the perfect donor within a week. I'm now 5 weeks pregnant with my first child. If it wasn't for my dream of becoming a mum would never have come true. THANK YOU"...Stacey77
".....I found someone here on this site and am now mother of two lovely girls"
"I found someone here on this site and am now mother of two lovely girls- no not twins, two years apart! So keep on looking- it's worth it! Good luck!!!!!"...Anna273
".....I met someone within a few days of being on co-parentmatch"
"I met someone within a few days of being on co-parentmatch. I got pregnant on the first try. My baby is now 17 month old. I am hoping to try again soon I hope I find the same luck second time around. Co-parentmatch is an amazing site. Winnipeg, Canada"...Alethea4
"..... I have found a donor"
"I have found a donor and am working at getting pregnant. Many thanks Sheena Sheena821".
".....I just want to say thank you so much for this site. It is a great platform that changes lives"
"I just want to say thank you so much for this site. It is a great platform that changes lives, it has certainly changed mine.I met a great guy here from the Caribbean he came all the way to South Africa to meet me.We are excited and we should know in few days if we are pregnant"...Missb2
".....I have found a donor"
"Please can you delete my account for me as I have found a donor.&......Laura231"
".....I have found a wonderful donor and I am happy to say that all has worked out"
"Hi! I need this account to be deleted now as I have found a wonderful donor and I am happy to say that all has worked out and were on our way!! Thank you so much!.....Jamie-Ann1".
"..... One year old daughter is the result of a Co-parentMatch success"
"My partner has a one year old daughter which we have every other weekend. She is the result of a Co-parentMatch success and i think she is very lucky to have 4 loving parents. "...Chad15
Your site was amazing and i found a great donor of here thank you. Tracey76
"Good afternoon, I would like to request for my profile to be deleted please. Your site was amazing and i found a great donor of here thank you."
".....I found a donor"
"You can delete my account, I found a donor. Thank you....Wendy53".
".....thankyou to all the donors who offered their help and also to the people behind this site"
"Feeling very fortunate to be pregnant with my second donor conceived baby. I was very lucky that my original donor was able to help a second time. I Would like to say thankyou to all the donors who offered their help and also to the people behind this site #Could you please remove my profile. Thankyou Again. H....H7572".
".....Update we found a match and have completed our family."
"Update we found a match and have completed our family. "...Meg70, USA
Gay men who have found Co-parents
".....I have been fortunate enough to find an amazingly beautiful couple to co-parent with"
"Would just like to thank you for creating this site, I have been fortunate enough to find an amazingly beautiful couple to co-parent with, they have become a part of my family & wish to become fathers just as much as I wish to become a mother and we are so excited to be expecting our first baby, thank you."...Alison