How do I Become a Sperm Donor?
Traditionally to become a donor men would have to visit their local sperm bank. The sperm bank option is still available however, has introduced a new alternative for sperm donors. On this website you can find a woman online via a sophisticated selection process and offer to donate your sperm to her.
When you find a match you would then meet your recipient in person and arrange your chosen method of insemination.

Who Can Donate Sperm?
Most men can donate sperm. You can become a sperm donor if you:
are fit and healthy
weigh between 7 stone 12 lbs and 25 stone, or 50kg and 160kg
are aged between 18 and 60
How Often Can I Donate Sperm?
Men can donate sperm 2-3 times per week.
What are the common reasons why men can't donate sperm?
if you are receiving medical or hospital treatment
if you are taking medication after travelling outside of your country residence
after having a tattoo or piercing
if you feel ill
if you have cancer
after receiving blood, blood products or organs.
If you have any questions then contact us by completing our web form.

Why Should I Donate Sperm?
Donating sperm creates life. The sperm you donate is a very special gift for women who are looking to become pregnant through sperm donation. Many happy families would not be able to experience the joy of parenthood if sperm donors had not generously made a donation.
We need over 100,000 sperm donations every day to treat women looking to become pregnant across the UK, Europe, USA, Canada Australia and beyond. Register to donate sperm now.
Which is why there’s always a need for men to become a sperm donor.
Each year we need approximately 70,000 new sperm donors, as some donors can no longer donate.
Most men between the ages of 18-65 are able to donate sperm. Around half our current sperm donors are over the age of 35. That's why we need more young people (over the age of 18) to start donating sperm, so we can make sure we have enough sperm in the future.
What are the Types of Sperm Donors Needed Now?
We need more sperm donors from all blood groups and types. We particularly need more men from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to donate so that we have a supply of certain sperm donors.
There is currently a high demand for ginger sperm donors. As part of our #SaveGingers campaign, we are aiming to find 10,000 ginger sperm donors to provide much needed donations for women searching for red haired donors.
What is the Sperm Donation Process?
Donating sperm is simple and it creates life. When you donate, it is used to help a woman become pregnant. For most men, donating sperm is easy and follows the simple steps listed below.
Check you are able to donate sperm.
Register to become a sperm donor online.
Follow the quick guide to sperm donation recommendations.
When should you Donate Sperm?
This is what will happen when you donate sperm:
1. Preparation.
We will ask you to read our terms which explains the importance of sperm donation safety. It’s important to read this whenever you attend because advice does change.
2. Health screening
You need to ensure it is safe for you to donate, and that your sperm donation is safe for a woman to receive. A recipient may confirm your identity and ask you about the information on your sperm donor health check form.
3. Your sperm donation
When you are comfortable you can make donation using a sterile specimen cup to capture your semen. This process usually takes between 5-10 minutes however you can take as long as you need. More about what happens on the day when you donate sperm.
What is The Sperm Donor Spectrum?
So you have chosen to be a sperm donor. But, what type of donor are you? You need to think about how involved in your child's life you want to be. The sperm donor spectrum runs from anonymous donors to full on co-parents.
It starts with a big decision...
Do you want to be known to your child or involved in their life?
Anonymous Donor
Sperm donation through a sperm bank where your identity would not be released until the child reaches 18.
No Contact Donor
No involvement in your child's life although you may choose to share your identity with your child.
Known Donor
Known to your child and involved through regular updates and perhaps some contact.
Fully involved in your child's life in a parental role.
What our members tell us:
"I would love to know what my child looks like and what milestones they achieve although I don't want to be involved in the day to day parenting."
"I am happy donating sperm anonymously knowing I have provided a family with immense happiness."
"I do not want to just donate sperm. I want to be there every step of the way in my journey as a parent."

Useful Articles
5 Reasons to Become a Sperm Donor
3 Legal Facts Sperm Donors Need to Know
Health Screening for Sperm Donors
Sperm Donor Pay