How do I Find a Sperm Donor?
Traditionally to find a donor women would have to visit their local sperm bank or buy sperm online. The sperm bank option is still available however, has introduced a new alternative to a sperm bank. On this website you can find a donor online via a sophisticated selection process and ask him to donate his sperm to you.
When you find a match you would then meet your donor in person and arrange your chosen method of insemination.

How do I Get Pregnant with a Sperm Donor?
There are 3 key methods using sperm donation to get pregnant:
If you are reading this then its very likely that you have just begun your journey trying to get pregnant with a sperm donor or you have been on a long roller coaster ride trying for a baby without success. This section can help you with lot's of information about how to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
For some lucky people becoming pregnant happens fairly quickly, sometimes even first time. However for a lot of people getting pregnant is not always easy.

How do I get Pregnant using a Sperm Donor?
5 Simple Ways to Help you Become Pregnant Using Donor Sperm:
Ask your donor to produce up-to-date health tests to ensure he is disease free.
Ensure your donor has had his sperm tested for volume and motility
Ask your doctor for a fertiltiy check to ensure you can conceive
Closely monitor your ovulation to pin point the correct day for insemination
Follow our step-by-step guide for home insemination