How do I Choose a Sperm Donor?
Here are 5 Simple Ways to Help you Choose a Sperm Donor:
Decide if you want to know and meet your sperm donor
If you choose to use an anonymous donor ensure you select sperm that is eligible to be released to your country of residence
Check the level of sperm motility you are using
Ensure your sperm donor has completed a health & fertility screening process
Consider what personal elements are important to you e.g.looks, personality, interests. Search sperm donors Now!
How do you choose the right sperm donor?
Finding yourself in a situation where you are trying to get pregnant using a sperm donor and deciding how to go about conceiving a child may not be something you had planned. Choosing a sperm donor, regardless of the reason, has become more socially and medically acceptable, but again, the question is still how do you choose the right sperm donor?
5 Ways to Choose a Sperm Donor

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How do I Choose a Sperm Bank?
Knowing where you are going to go for your fertility treatment is one thing, but choosing the sperm bank which is going to help you select through all of the different applicants is going to be a large chunk of the battle. There are things that you should keep an eye out for and watch when it comes to choosing the right sperm bank. When you go in to a sperm bank ask these questions:
What is the basis of their application process for donors?
Do they have any outstanding legal issue unresolved?
Limit of matches per donor/recipient?
Are you comfortable with the staff and environment?
What is the CMV Status of my sperm donor?
When choosing the sperm bank this is not something you are going to want to do overnight, or in your first visit, look and see what your options are, and interview more than one location,discuss this with your partner, and take the time to make a sound decision before choosing the bank that will hold your sperm donation.
When using a sperm bank meeting your donor face to face is not possible. Some sperm banks will show sperm donors with pictures. Donors will provide baby photos and some will also have pictures of sperm donors during their teenaged or adult years. This will give you an idea of what genes your baby will inherit. You can meet a sperm donor face to face by using .This will give you the opportunity to ask questions, observe habits, physicaland mental stats, and overall, gives you the chance to see into the future. See the potential traits you would be giving your unborn child.
Why should I look at the CMV Status of my sperm donor?
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus which is part of the herpes family of viruses. Once you are infected with CMV it will remain inactive in your body for the rest of your life. CMV causes few symptoms in most people.
CMV can be spread through sperm donation and there is no cure. It is one of the most common viral infections and around 50% of adults may have the virus.
Congenital CMV is an infection which can develop when a woman is pregnant and infects the unborn baby so it is important to look at your sperm donor’s medical information and if the sperm bank you are using declares if their donors carry the CMV virus.
What is an open ID donor?
Open ID donors are also known as ID release donors. In the USA and some European countries these are donors who have agreed to be contacted by their adult offspring when the child reaches 18 years of age.
Laws around open ID donors and anonymity of donors varies greatly in different countries so be sure to check with your individual sperm bank on their anonymity policies.
Motile Sperm Pre-Thaw and Post Thaw
Due to regulations sperm most be frozen for at least 6 months so there is a question as to how well a man’s sperm will react to that freezing and thawing process. Sperm samples vary in the amount of motile sperm that will survive the thaw. Sperm banks interpret these figures differently so be carefully when you purchase sperm from a sperm bank that the motility level you are purchasing is pre-thaw or post thaw.
Post thaw numbers will always be lower than pre-thaw numbers because some sperm die during the freezing/thawing process so if one bank is selling pre-thaw 20% motility and one is selling 20% post thaw motility for the same price buy the post-thaw as you know that figure includes those sperm that have dies and that is the good sperm you are left with.
Washed sperm or unwashed sperm
If you are going for IUI then you will need to order washed sperm unless your individual clinic has facilities to wash the sperm for you.
'Washed' sperm means the sperm is separated from the semen.
Are there Sperm Donors for Single Women?
Sperm donation for single women is a growing trend. Many women who are not in a relationship are taking matters into their own hands in terms of planning a pregnancy by a sperm donor. Single women do not necessarily want to risk waiting around only to find they cannot find the right partner in life to start a family.
There are lots of options for single women including sperm banks where you can purchase sperm from a donor list. Introductory sites like enable you to meet your sperm donor face to face and arrange for home insemination or artificial insemination at a clinic.
Are there Sperm Donors for Lesbians?
Sperm donors are in high demand for lesbians looking to start a family. Particularly with gay marriage on the rise lesbian couples who have settled down in a long term relationship are increasingly looking to get pregnant by sperm donation.
Many single lesbians are also looking for sperm donors to help them have a baby. Some women are happy for their donor to be known to the child and have a relationship whereas others are searching for an anonymous donor who will not be involved in the child’s life. is a leading website in matching lesbians with sperm donors. You can search for donors by location, looks, personality, age, ethnicity, religion and many other factors.

Free sperm donors will provide you with sperm donation to help you become pregnant. Many women cannot afford to go through a sperm bank and are therefore looking to become pregnant via a private arrangement with a donor who will not charge.
There are lots of men who are willing to donate for no money and simply wishing to help women start the family they so desperately want.
Choosing a sperm donor is an exciting step. If you are looking for a free sperm donor you can find a great selection by using our online search tool. We have thousands of donors all around the world who are online right now willing to help you become pregnant.
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