The Step-by-Step Guide to Sperm Donation
How do I donate sperm?
To donate sperm you have two options:
1) Go to a sperm bank and register as a sperm donor
2) Register with an online sperm donor matching service.
The first option of registering at a sperm bank involves going through a recruitment selection process where your sperm will be tested to ensure it is of a high quality. You will also receive health tests and be given a questionnaire on family history.
The second option of joining an online sperm donor matching website involves adding a profile and searching for women looking for a sperm donor. When you find a match you can choose to have artificial insemination at a clinic or try to conceive through home insemination.
I firmly believe that sperm donation is an amazing way to help give the gift of life. Single women, lesbians and heterosexual couples in modern times are struggling to start a family.
When I first chose to find a sperm donor I didn't realize that men could not only donate through a sperm bank but also by home insemination. I had no idea I could choose to find an anonymous donor or a known sperm donor who would be a father to my child and involved in their life.
I’ve talked to a lot of men about sperm donation - young men and old men - who have all one thing in common. They all want to give the gift of life.
I was 30 years old when I first entered the world of sperm donation and I'll admit in the beginning it was a minefield. Known donors, anonymous donors, co-parents. Who knew there were so many different types of donors?
I know from a personal level that sperm donation is a wonderful opportunity for men to give a level of happiness you never thought you could achieve.
I wish I could tell you that there’s a perfect type of donor. But the truth is, sperm donation means something different to every single individual.
While there’s no magic answer, there are steps to follow when thinking about becoming a donor.
I learned this over many years. But luckily, you don’t have to.
I’m going back to basics with a guide to sperm donation to help you understand why men donate sperm, and learn how to become a donor.
Where can I Donate Sperm Near Me?
If you are thinking 'where are the sperm donation services near me'? then check out our Google maps link below. The map highlights sperm banks that are recruiting sperm donors.
What should I know about Becoming a Sperm Donor?
Step 1: The Biology of Sperm

The average male produces 20 million sperm per millilitre. Anything over 15 million is considered to be normal. If you produce less than this you are considered to be suffering from male infertility.
It’s not just the amount of sperm you produce that is important in achieving a pregnancy but also the motility and morphology of your sperm.
Sperm Morphology

If more than 60% of your sperm are motile you are considered to have a healthy level of sperm motility.
If 4% or more of your sperm are observed as having normal morphology you are considered to have a good level of sperm morphology.
In fertility clinics a level of less than 2 ml in volume is considered to indicate a male infertility issue.
A PH level of 7.2-7.8 is considered to be normal – anything outside of this range can cause damage to the sperm.
The amount of time sperm takes to form into a thin liquid after ejaculation is known as liquefaction. Anything up to 60 minutes for sperm to turn into thin liquid is considered normal.
Motility refers to how many million sperm in one ejaculate are highly motile. A fertility will often only perform artificial insemination with sperm that contains 20 million motile sperm. This can be used across 8 straws/vials if you have techniques such as IUI or IVF with donor sperm.
Semen Analysis
A simple semen analysis which involves ejaculating into a sterile pot will clarify the following area of health of your sperm:
Total Motility:
-Slow Progression
-Non Progressive
Total Sperm Count
What is Happening to Men's Sperm Count?

There has been a sharp drop in sperm count in normal men in the last 50 years.
Carlsen E, Giwercman A, Keiding N, Skakkebæk NE. Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years. Br Med J 305:609-613 (1992).
A Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy balanced lifestyle is important in order to maintain a good sperm count:
Quit smoking as it has been proven to reduce your sperm count, sperm motility and the amount of time your sperm stays alive.
Reduce your alcohol intake as drinking excess amounts lowers the production of sperm and also reduces the level of male hormone testosterone in your body.

What Level of Sperm Quality will Achieve Pregnancy?
A male with a good quality sperm count of 40 million will have an 18% success rate of getting a woman pregnant. Compare this with a male whose sperm count volume is 10 million there is only an 11% success rate for pregnancy.
Step 2: A Quick Guide to Becoming a Sperm Donor
What are 5 Top Tips for Becoming a Sperm Donor?
Visit your doctor to be referred for health & fertility tests.
Consider who you would like to help - singles, couples, lesbian, straight women.
Ask yourself if you would like to be known to the child or involved in their life.
Decide how you would like to donate - home insemination or sperm bank.
Complete a Custom Search on so we can match you with the perfect recipient
Give the Gift of Life
Sperm donation is an amazing way to give the gift of life to someone who may be struggling to have a baby by traditional methods. Becoming a sperm donor can help give someone the family they have always dreamed of.
What Ways can I DonateSperm?
A sperm donor can donate through a sperm bank or by home insemination and will be the biological father of any child born as result of his sperm donation is an introductory service for those who are looking for sperm donors and men who are willing to offer sperm donation.
Sperm donation could be an amazing opportunity for you and give a level of happiness you never thought you could achieve
Who can donate sperm?
Most men can donate sperm. You can become a sperm donor if you:
are fit and healthy
weigh between 7 stone 12 lbs and 25 stone, or 50kg and 160kg
are aged between 18 and 60
How often can I donate sperm?
Men can donate sperm 2-3 times per week.
The common reasons sperm donors should check if they can donate are:
if you are receiving medical or hospital treatment
if you are taking medication after travelling outside of your country residence
after having a tattoo or piercing
if you feel ill
if you have cancer
after receiving blood, blood products or organs.
If you have any questions then contact us by completing a web form.
Why donate sperm?
Donating sperm creates life. The sperm you donate is a very special gift for women who are looking to become pregnant through sperm donation. Many happy families would not be able to experience the joy of parenthood if sperm donors had not generously made a donation.
Why we need you to donate sperm?
We need over 100,000 sperm donations every day to treat women looking to become pregnant across the UK, Europe, USA, Canada Australia and beyond.
Which is why there’s always a need for men to become a sperm donor.
Each year we need approximately 70,000 new sperm donors, as some donors can no longer donate.
Most men between the ages of 18-65 are able to donate sperm. Around half our current sperm donors are over the age of 35. That's why we need more young people (over the age of 18) to start donating sperm, so we can make sure we have enough sperm in the future.
Sperm donor groups and types needed now
We need more sperm donors from all blood groups and types. We particularly need more men from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to donate so that we have a supply of certain sperm donors.
There is currently a high demand for ginger sperm donors. As part of our #SaveGingers campaign, we are aiming to find 10,000 ginger sperm donors to provide much needed donations for women searching for red haired donors.
The sperm donation process
Donating sperm is simple and it creates life. When you donate, it is used to help a woman become pregnant. For most men, donating sperm is easy and follows the simple steps listed below.
Before you donate sperm
Check you are able to donate sperm.
Register to become a sperm donor online.
Follow the quick guide to sperm donation recommendations.
When you donate sperm
This is what will happen when you donate sperm:
1. Preparation.
We will ask you to read our terms which explains the importance of sperm donation safety. It’s important to read this whenever you attend because advice does change.
2. Health screening
You need to ensure it is safe for you to donate, and that your sperm donation is safe for a woman to receive. A recipient may confirm your identity and ask you about the information on your sperm donor health check form.
3. Your sperm donation
When you are comfortable you can make donation using a sterile specimen cup to capture your semen. This process usually takes between 5-10 minutes however you can take as long as you need. More about what happens on the day when you donate sperm.
Step 3: A Quick Guide to Finding a Sperm Donor
What are 5 Top Tips for Finding a Sperm Donor?
Decide if you want an anonymous donor or a known donor
Consider if you want your donor to be involved in your childs upbringing
Decide how you would like to become pregnant - clinic or home insemination
Check your legal facts - could your donor have parental rights & responsibilities?
Complete a Custom Search on so we can match you with the perfect donor
If you are looking for a sperm donor to achieve your dream of parenthood then register with now and start your search today.
How do I Search Donor Profiles?
Search our profiles for free now. We have thousands of sperm donors all over the world. was the first site of its kind created in 2007 to help anyone who wants to find a sperm donor or is looking for sperm donation or a co-parent to have a child.
We are an introduction service to connect men, women and couples who would like to have a baby but simply haven't found the right person yet. Our matching service for sperm donors and co-parents lets you view member information that match what you are looking for. Our sperm donor list is updated every hour so your sperm donor or co-parent could be waiting for you right now. provides an introductory service to anyone who wants a child but maybe has not found the right person by traditional methods.
How do I choose a sperm donor?
When it’s time to pick a sperm donor lots of people consider:
-Education level
Choosing a sperm donor is such an exciting step. You are about to decide on who will provide half of the genetic makeup of your child. With you do not need to choose an anonymous sperm donor off a list, someone who you know nothing about and will never meet. Instead you can search by a range of criteria from looks as you get to view adult photos and personality as you will meet your donor face to face. You can also search by religion, ethnicity and donor role as we provide a free matching service for whatever type of male you are looking for.
Further Reading on Choosing a Sperm Donor
A Wonderful Opportunity
Like it was for me; sperm donation could be a wonderful opportunity to give a level of happiness you never thought you could achieve. Take some time to think about whether you want to donate anonymously and not be known to your children or be a ‘known donor’. Some known donors choose to be kept updated on their child’s progress by methods such as letter, email, FACEBOOK. Other known donors may be involved in their child’s life with occasional visits. Donors who wish to more involved in their child’s life can enter co-parenting arrangements with the birth mother.