Where Can I Find a Sperm Bank in Canada?
Sperm Banks in Canada are actively recruiting sperm donors. If you feel that you could become a sperm donor and help give someone the gift of life then once you have found a match on Co-ParentMatch.com go with your sperm recipient and register with a sperm bank for a known donor program.
Sperm Banks in Canada are actively recruiting sperm donors. If you feel that you could become a sperm donor and help give someone the gift of life then once you have found a match on Co-ParentMatch.com go with your sperm recipient and register with a sperm bank for a known donor program.
Take me to:
Repromed Sperm Bank, Toronto
ReproMed source their sperm donors locally and also import sperm through Xytex International.
A typical sperm donor Testing Schedule includes:
First interview and semen analysis. Non-identifying information is obtained:
Donation agreements
Medical-genetic history
Donor personality profile
Semen analysis
Exclusionary criteria screening
Second interview and semen analysis.
Third semen analysis.
Psychological Assessment.
Fourth semen analysis and physical examination.
Assessment and evaluation for acceptance or rejection.
At any time during this 6 months period of evaluation, the sperm donor may be rejected. There is only a 5% acceptance rate for sperm donors at Repromed.
Ho do I Choose a donor through the Sperm Donor Catalogue?
Repromed have a list of all available donors which provides the recipient with a description of the donor's physical characteristics, the maternal and paternal ancestry, education, occupation, and special interests.
Once you have determined the sperm donors you are interested in you can ask for a Donor Portfolio for each sperm donor.
This provides more information about the donor such as physical features, family history, educational history, skills & abilities, preferences, personality traits, anatomical features, and medical history.
Fees at ReproMed
Donor Sperm $445 to $725 depending whether you purchase open ID, Anonymous donor and pre-washed sperm.
Shipping from $75 to $195
Cost to screen and use a Known donor $2,885
Storage Fees $375 to $1200
If you need donor sperm for artificial insemination, IUI, or other fertility treatments, online introductory services for sperm donors such as Co-parentMatch.com and sperm banks throughout Canada, enable you to browse sperm donor profiles.
Sperm banks let you purchase sperm instantly with a credit card, and have it shipped to a fertility clinic of your choice. Shipping of the sperm can be arranged, in most cases, the very next day and many sperm banks in the Canada ship internationally.
All of the sperm banks listed in this section have active sperm donation programs enabling you to purchase sperm from healthy young men.
Sperm donors go through a thorough screening process and the donors are asked about their personal and family health histories going back several generations. Sperm donors are screened for sexually transmitted and hereditary diseases.
Sperm samples are quarantined for at least six months to ensure the donor is not infected with HIV or other diseases.
If you do not wish to purchase sperm from a sperm bank you can meet your sperm donor in person with Co-ParentMatch.com and then arrange for sperm donation through a sperm bank or fertility clinic. You can then arrange to have artificial insemination or IVF treatment.
ReproMed Sperm Bank, Toronto Visit