Why should I become a sperm donor?
There are thousands of couples who would be so grateful if you were to become a sperm donor. Some men donate for feeling of making a positive contribution to someone’s happiness, some men want to become a dad and others are satisfied with the feeling of helping an infertile or lesbian couple. Whatever your reason there are thousands of members online now who you could help.
Here are 5 reasons for becoming a sperm donor:
Become a father
Making a positive contribution to someone’s happiness.
Leave a legacy
For money (sperm bank only)
Altruistic reasons
Co-ParentMatch.com is recruiting sperm donors now so if you are healthy man above the age of 18 then why not register and add a profile. See how many women match your profile – you can search for female recipients by location, personal looks, marital status, donor involvement and lots of other factors.
Do you have ginger hair? Become a Sperm Donor Now, you are in high demand!

Becoming a Sperm Donor with Co-ParentMatch.com is simple.
How to Become a Sperm Donor?
Here is The Process:
1) Register
2) Add a Profile
3) Complete & save a ‘Custom Search’
4) Find your matches
5) Contact your matches
6) Meet your match face to face
7) Choose your method of insemination
8) Arrange for health screening tests
9) Be available during your matches fertile window
10) Donate your sperm
Sperm Donors Urgently Needed
If you are interested in donating sperm you can register on an introductory site such as co-parentmatch.com or register with a sperm bank or fertility clinic. If you donate sperm through co-parentmatch you will meet your recipient face-to-face and agree one or more options for donating sperm including the following:
Artificial Insemination at home (AI) / Home Insemination – you would be required to ejaculate into a sterile specimen cup in order for your recipient to insert the sperm into her vagina using a sterile syringe.
Natural Insemination (NI) – Some people prefer to try to conceive ‘the old fashioned way’. This is down to the discretion of individual members however we strongly urge both donors and recipients to insist on health screening and fertility test results. NI is something that both donor and recipient must fully agree on and if you feel a member is putting inappropriate pressure on you then you should report them immediately.
Sperm Bank or Fertility Clinic - by donating through a sperm bank you will automatically receive both health screening tests and fertility tests checking the quantity and quality of your sperm. Most sperm banks will have a comfortable private room with a selection of magazines and DVD’s to ‘encourage’ you to produce your sample. Your sperm will then be frozen for 6 months and undergo freeze/thaw testing before it can be passed fit for insemination.
For all of the above methods you should have fully health screening and have received fertility test results prior to any insemination.
What tests will I need before I become a sperm donor?
You will be required to produce identification and you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your personal and family medical history.
You will then be asked to produce a sperm sample in a private room. Sperm banks usually recommend that you abstain from sex or masturbation for three days before your appointment in order to produce the best possible sample.
Your sperm sample will then be analyzed to check for sperm count, motility and normal shape and form.
If your sample is suitable you will then have to have blood and urine tests to screen for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Read our Health Screening for Donors page for a full list of screening tests.
Related Pages:
Guidance for Sperm Donors